Fridge Floppers

Fridge Floppers is a physics-based platformer that follows the story of two plump delivery people transporting an unsecured fridge. You control both characters’ movements using the arrow keys, while Q and W keys make them jump individually. Your goal is to move the fridge without it falling off, which can be tricky due to its unsecured position. Although Fridge Floppers starts off easy, the difficulty gradually increases as you progress, making the final level extremely challenging. This game is simple, fun, and highly addictive, so give it a try!

Source Code:

Learn how this game is made or create additional levels by modding it. See the source code here

Rate it:

If you, like the game help rate the game on Ludum Dare: here.

Tool Used:

Unity, Adobe Photoshop, Cubase, FBXR, Audacity, Visual Studio Code


As always, good luck and Have Fun!

How to Play:

  • Left and Right arrows – move
  • Q – left character jump
  • W – Right character jump
