Elastic Morty

The animated series “Rick and Morty” thundered all over the planet and from the first season has won a multi-million audience. With each new season, the fans of the famous cartoon become more and more. Are you ready to join the huge army of fans of the cool animated series about two reckless travelers by dimensions? Then, we present you the funny game “Stretch Morty’s Face”.

First, let’s get acquainted with this hero. Morty Rodriguez is a 14-year-old grandson of a brilliant scientist and avid binge Rick. The guy became a constant companion of his brilliant grandfather according to the most unusual and fantastic dimensions of the universe. Let him not always understand what is happening in a new place, but often shows ingenuity and quick wit. This often saves the guys from problems. In the game, the superelastic face of Morty will appear before you. You can stretch it and quickly let it go, whip your cheeks and mock Gutta-percha Morty in every way. Laugh and have fun watching the guy’s elastic face. Enjoy the game and good luck!

